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Writer's picturealeksvp

How to export a spreadsheet from a Vuetify data table using SheetJS js-xlsx module


  • Vue / Vuetify: to construct de UI;

  • SheetJS js-xlsx: generate xlsx file.

The first thing is to assign a data variable to the selected rows, using v-model attribute. Then, we created an array to represent the column headers of the spread sheet using the table headers values.

The next step is to create another array to represent the data rows of the spread sheet using the selected rows and the header.

The final step is to use SheetJS to generate the file from the arrays.

Pretty simple, uh?

<template> <v-card outlined class="mx-auto mt-10 primary" max-width="700"> <v-card-title class="white--text">Simple table</v-card-title> <v-card-actions> <v-divider/> <v-btn @click="exportSheet">Export</v-btn> </v-card-actions> <v-data-table show-select v-model="rowsSelected" class="elevation-1" :headers="tableColumns" :items="items" item-key="product" :footer-props="{ itemsPerPageOptions: [5, 10, 15], showFirstLastPage: true, firstIcon: 'mdi-arrow-collapse-left', lastIcon: 'mdi-arrow-collapse-right', prevIcon: 'mdi-arrow-left', nextIcon: 'mdi-arrow-right'}" :search="searchKey"> </v-data-table> </v-card> </template> <script> import XLSX from 'xlsx' export default { data() { return { searchKey: '', rowsSelected: [], tableColumns:[ { text: 'Product', value: 'product' }, { text: 'Quantity', value: 'quantity' }, { text: 'Origin', value: 'origin' } ], items: [ { product: 'Apples', quantity: 1000, origin: 'Ceilândia'} ], } }, methods: { exportSheet(){ let header = => element.value) var dataRows = [] row => { var dataRow = [] => { dataRow.push(row[column]) }) dataRows.push(dataRow) }) console.log(dataRows) const ws = XLSX.utils.aoa_to_sheet([header,... dataRows]) const wb = XLSX.utils.book_new() XLSX.utils.book_append_sheet(wb, ws, "SimpleTab") XLSX.writeFile(wb, "Example.xlsx") }, }, } </script>

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